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Enter The Facehugger - Printable Version

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Enter The Facehugger - number2 - 01-23-2007

i oficially have recieved my favorite piece...this is a Nick/Henry Alvarez facehugger painted by Peter Murphy. Pete did a sick job on this thing and really brought this piece to life. check this sucker out

[Image: 34rxaxd.jpg]

[Image: 4htl5qx.jpg]

[Image: 34eu83c.jpg]

[Image: 2zstgu1.jpg]

[Image: 2zggk7d.jpg]

Enter The Facehugger - D-bach - 01-23-2007

awesome man congrats!!!! really digging the sculpture and paint work

Enter The Facehugger - JOEY - 01-23-2007

lol... That sucker is creepy as hell!!! I love it!

Enter The Facehugger - scream4me - 01-23-2007

Wow thats cool man. Very unique. Great buy..

Enter The Facehugger - farid_krueger - 01-23-2007

Congratulations on that amazing piece. Peter is one very talented artist. I had the pleasure of having something painted by him and he\'s working on a piece for me as we speak. Most definitely an amazing piece. wow!

Enter The Facehugger - WHiTE_SiDER - 01-23-2007

hey nice score bro this peice is insane :thumbsup:

Enter The Facehugger - Colt45 - 01-23-2007

That thing is awesome, Great score!
The face of the back reminds me of Johnny from the movie "The Frightners" when hes that black pile of goo.

Enter The Facehugger - shummy - 01-23-2007

Hey 2

Excellent job - looks incredible finished - really like they way he did it in different colors than the one on Henry\'s site

for anyone interested in getting one of these I am selling mine on ebay right now - just key work facehugger or anyone wanting pictures of the one I have for sale just PM me.

Great score 2 - going to have a real special piece myself by this weekend I hope.

Make sure to post up the gumbo pic\'s when he shows up ( BTW - i already spent the money !!!!!!)


Enter The Facehugger - FVJ Leatherface - 01-23-2007

That\'s a really great piece!

Enter The Facehugger - antisocial1 - 01-23-2007

That\'s absolutely beautiful!!