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Leather Face Costume For Sale - Printable Version

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Leather Face Costume For Sale - Lewis Tully - 07-16-2004

I still have my L-Face costume available for sale. You can either purchase the entire suit for $75.00 + $8.00 S&H or the mask for $60.00, and the costume for $25.00 Please let me know if interested. THanks!!!!


Leather Face Costume For Sale - SPAZ - 07-16-2004

and what mask is it?

Leather Face Costume For Sale - Lewis Tully - 07-17-2004

The mask is a Headcheese \'74 that has been re-painted by me. Let me know if interested... For real, people.... this is a steal...


Leather Face Costume For Sale - Lewis Tully - 07-17-2004

Check out the pics here:




Leather Face Costume For Sale - jason8844 - 07-18-2004

i am interested in the mask is it still up for sale...i wont be able to get the money immidiatly would you be willing to trade for a NIGHTOWL burnt hood?