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New Sculpture In Progress - Printable Version

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New Sculpture In Progress - CreepingDead - 02-02-2007

Still in the early stages

[Image: we1.jpg]

[Image: we2.jpg]

[Image: we3.jpg]

New Sculpture In Progress - WHiTE_SiDER - 02-02-2007

very cool scuplt....i can see jason part8 in it for some reason lol

New Sculpture In Progress - Fang - 02-02-2007

Looks great, real old school feel to it.

New Sculpture In Progress - Homicidal#9 - 02-02-2007

very cool....has an ed roth vibe to it...


New Sculpture In Progress - CreepingDead - 02-02-2007

Actually, it\'s a Weird-Oh from 1963

[Image: wade.jpg]

New Sculpture In Progress - Homicidal#9 - 02-02-2007

model kit right?...i knew it was familar for some reason...great job on it again man...


New Sculpture In Progress - CreepingDead - 02-02-2007

Yup yup, I\'m going for a kind of mix between the kit and various original art (and doing some of my own thing in there too LOL)

[Image: w5.jpg]

[Image: wierd_ohs_wade_a_minute.gif]

New Sculpture In Progress - myers413 - 02-02-2007

i love the sculpture bro :wink:

New Sculpture In Progress - Jason-V - 02-02-2007

Kickass man!!!!

New Sculpture In Progress - Rubbermugs - 02-02-2007

Cool, looks a little bit like my persian cat when you give her chicken Smile