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Major New Score In The Collection Today - Printable Version

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Major New Score In The Collection Today - mrmorningside - 03-03-2007

hey guys
got this piece in today and want to give jonl a big thank you for the chance to add this screen used h20 knb thanks again bro on with the pics
mm Big Grin

Major New Score In The Collection Today - Metalslug76 - 03-03-2007

nice score Adam. lucky guy!

Major New Score In The Collection Today - mrmorningside - 03-03-2007

few more Smile

Major New Score In The Collection Today - mrmorningside - 03-03-2007

thanks metalslug :wink:

Major New Score In The Collection Today - hellbound81 - 03-03-2007

She\'s a beaut, hold on to this one!

Major New Score In The Collection Today - mrmorningside - 03-03-2007

thanks hb your right i say its keeper time Smile

Major New Score In The Collection Today - WHATSINTHEBOX? - 03-03-2007

Hey Buuudddyy. Great score .

Major New Score In The Collection Today - mrmorningside - 03-03-2007

thanks box for the kind words :thumbsup:

Major New Score In The Collection Today - IbDaToNeGuY - 03-03-2007

sweet score there . i\'ve always loved the weathering done on this one . not so sure why it\'s so dark but maybe it was used for shadowing scenes or something .


Major New Score In The Collection Today - mrmorningside - 03-03-2007

thanks mike