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Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - Pugsly - 05-15-2007

Well i went to the post office today to ship 2 boxes of figures to oregon.These boxes would ususally cost around $10 each to ship but to my suprise the guy at the desk says starting this monday the post office has a different way they ship now and if ya ship cross country it costs ya ALOT more, i meanalmost 3 times more to ship to say from From North carolina or california, since now its flown cross counrty.So for somehting that shouldve cost me $20 to ship both boxes it cost me $65,WOW!!! The guy also said you can only ship to Canada global express now and , That went up in price aswelll and some other countries are getting alot more strict on what can be shipped and how to there country.Also the guy said the smaller the box you ship the better.Just figure id give everyone a heads up and i guess we can expect a increase in shippinng prices form mask makers...............Also they are trying to get more people to use the USPS site so thye give a 10% discount if you do your shipping via the USPS site.UPS and FedEx have went up on shipping prices aswell <img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\"Sad\" border=\"0\" alt=\"sad.gif\" />

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - SuperDanDrista - 05-15-2007

That if they don\'t make enough off stamps and everything else.It\'s funny because on the website it\'s saying that these changes are gonna make it more cost effective for everyone. Totally misleading..they meant to say that they\'re saving money and charging more

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - Dr.Killjoy - 05-15-2007

$45.00 more to ship some figures, that's insane! I got to rethink the prices now on some of the stuff I wanted to sell on Ebay. Thanks for the head up.

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - Macleod - 05-15-2007

Goddamn it. I have to send a box to Las Vegas tomorrow... and I'm in Puerto Rico, that means it'll cost me a shit load of money. <img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":ohmy:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"ohmy.gif\" />

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - SuperDanDrista - 05-15-2007

I have a bunch of stuff shipping too. I\'m gonna get railed by these prices.

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - knewby - 05-15-2007

<img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":mad:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"mad.gif\" /> <img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/down.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":down:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"down.gif\" /> .......another way to screw us over...goddamn govt......gas prices and now this............................................Larry

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - pluto - 05-15-2007

I hate the Goverment!!! Always trying to get more money from us....This really bits!!! Jake

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - SuperDanDrista - 05-15-2007

for 14cube box weighing 5 pounds, they now want 30$ to ship priority....I say the days are over for using priority.It said 10$ for parcel post which is 5 days shipping. Gonna have to go back to ground shipping I guess. Really sucks tho!

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - Pugsly - 05-15-2007

I guess us and the makers will start having to use parcel post.The wait will be a lil longer but hey you have to wait for the peice anyway so another week want kill ya.........CYA priority shipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usps Priority Shipping Price Rise! - knewby - 05-15-2007

I wonder what the average price to ship a single mask priority will be now?