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I F***ing Hate People - Fang - 06-29-2007

I wake up this morning to find out someome got into my house last night and stole my moms purse AND car keys. The whole purse and keys are missing but they didn't even steal the car. My moms purse is like a filing cabinent of info, Credit Cards, SS number, everything. I am so fucking pissed, this is the second time someone has done this under my nose, luckily this is the first time at THIS house. I'm glad no one was hurt because my sister was right there sleeping in the basement by the door he got it but damn. We called the cops so they better get a sqaud car over here tonight because they have the keys to get into our house now. I'm going to go out and buy a HUGE ass pitbull and a shotgun so I can assure this shit wont happen ever again. <img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/down.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":down:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"down.gif\" />

I F***ing Hate People - Cory - 06-29-2007

Bummer man...hope they can recover everything and I'm glad your sis and your family are ok!

I F***ing Hate People - Fang - 06-29-2007

Well, on the good side a neighbor just brought our purse back, it was laying down the street all the shit scattered everywhere. There is a bunch of stuff missing including the keys still so now they can still get back in and even if we change the locks, they can still steal the car.

I F***ing Hate People - myersman - 06-29-2007

I hate hearing stuff like just pisses me glad you and your family weren't harmed...your lucky

I F***ing Hate People - JoMaX - 06-29-2007

Pitbull,shotgun and a damn home alarm system.I dont care what you pay in the state's for home alarm system's they are well worth it and can save your life from the freak show's out there.

I F***ing Hate People - LustigManiac - 06-29-2007

Yeah alarms are worth it. The house i just bought im putting one in. Aside the Bushmaster in the closet, dogs are nice. My mom as 13 dogs and 3 are bloodhounds, their bark alone will wake you up if someone is near the house that shouldnt be. also Labs are awesome home protection, I had one when i was a kid and we had a attept at a break in and buster tore his index finger and pinky off. But he was a sweet dog to everyone he just knew where people cross the line and when to put them in check. Pitbulls are ok dogs but they can snap for no reason. I had a friend that had one and it was rotten we thought and one day he was sitting on the chair and the dog sat and looked at him and he got up and it attacked him, pretty bad too. Labs and Bloodhounds are the way to go IMO.Matt

I F***ing Hate People - Vanilla Ice......Cream - 06-29-2007

My advice: After dusk,hide in the backseat with a baseball bat. <img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":thumbsup:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"thumbsup.gif\" /> Hope everything works out for you and your family man.

I F***ing Hate People - frosty - 06-29-2007

sorry to hear this bud, glad your ok though

I F***ing Hate People - Ruste Dowg - 06-29-2007

shit kyle, glad your family are safe mate, sounds like kids or they would have had the car away there and then but alarms are a good idea, i got one for my work shop just in acse and it was under £10/$20 and really loud, well worth it if you can be woken up and catch the lousy sob!

I F***ing Hate People - Fang - 06-29-2007

I don't know how they got in, all the doors were locked and by the doorknob on the metal part around it there is an indent which looks like it's from a screwdriver like they tried to pry it off.