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Car Accident In Fayette Ny - Printable Version

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Car Accident In Fayette Ny - Jimmy - 08-16-2004

just thought ud guys like to see....


Car Accident In Fayette Ny - jason8844 - 08-16-2004

that place is like an hour away from me, didnt hear nothin about it

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - null1 - 08-16-2004

I would send an email.... But Im not sure who might get it. Does anyone have anymore info or contact with Jimmy\'s (James Burlew) family?

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - jason8844 - 08-16-2004

jimmy? that was jimmy in that accodent! omfg i was just talking to him the other day

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - Jimmy - 08-16-2004

hey guys im doing ok i got home from strong like 4 days ago im pretty messed up but im slowing gettin threw, thanks for yer concerns Smile

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - jason8844 - 08-16-2004

wow bro i hope you get better fast

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - null1 - 08-16-2004

Man, I didnt know if it was like a family member logged into your account or what? What the hell happened?! And why did it take a month for us to hear about this??

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - Jimmy - 08-16-2004

cause i wa sin the hospital for a month.... no one othe rthen me nows how to get one never street racing again.....i couldnt if i wanted to any ways.....left side of my body is kinda semi/num please dont be cool n drive fast or race or do any thing stupid......knowing that they actaully called n a pastor to give me my right to pass on cuase they thought i wasnt gunna make it scared me shitless....and im so happy to be alive , being back home, back one here with u guys.. i so missed talking n chating with u guys Smile

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - farid_krueger - 08-16-2004

[color=\"red\"]Damn man, is good to know that you\'re getting better now!
i was in a car accident ones and i know how scary that is, Sad
God bless you man, best of luck to ya! Smile
Dino. [/color]

Car Accident In Fayette Ny - Bullzilla65 - 08-16-2004

VERY glad you\'re on the mend Jimmy!
Man, I don\'t know if I\'d be scared or pissed if I saw a priest come in. Probably pissed. Freakin Grim Reaper!