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Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - RCuomo 2.0 - 08-28-2007

A buddy at work scored a work print copy on DVD.... It was dated May 14... so the final product coming out on Friday will be a bit different.... cos of the reshoots etc...BUT what an awesome movie... I HIGHLY recommend it.... go into this movie and try not to compare it to the original... as this is a "Rob Zombie" film... in the sense its got his style all over it... so to speak.... IT RAWKED!!!Cheers,Steven

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - JDF - 08-28-2007

Just watched it myself, you can find a copy of the movie if you use file sharing software (illegal to do, DL movie at your own risk)I liked what RZ tried to do. The beginning of the movie was pretty good, showed a side of Michael we haven't seen before. I don’t really want to give the movie away for people, but I really didn’t care for it. It could have been much better than it was. The original (if there was any doubt) is still the best. I wish it could have been a half hour longer to allow for some character build up, the movie moves too fast and when a character gets killed you don’t really care. Gore fans will be happy because there is some nice GV, death scenes are very violent and nasty. It seems RZ went for the gore and not so much the suspense.I’ll probably go see the movie again this weekend, the work print was dated May so I’m sure the theatrical version will be different. Jeff-

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - fredddy6899 - 08-28-2007

I did see the movie as well jus now got done watching it and im speachless i am a big fan of the first film..i really loved the beg but was not too happy with the ending hopefully it will be diff in thing tho i wanna say he is a more angrier michael than i have seen in past films and Tyler Mane does a fantastic job as well as little michael..(cant remember his name) But i like the movie all in all i give it a 8/10 a perfect ten if they get a diff ending

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - Chainsaw9 - 08-28-2007

Can't wait to see it myself! I just won 2 passes for a screening Thursday, a day before it officially comes out!!! Sweet.Dave

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - navicon - 08-28-2007

I saw it too.. pretty good, esp. first 30-40 mins. Hated the ending though. Luckily, the final cut will be much differnet.

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - HERETIC - 08-28-2007

First 20 mins are good, if the movie was not called Halloween. The entire film is "purely and simply garbage." An EXXXXTREME Michael Myers with plot holes big enough to drive a truck through.

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - WarLocK - 08-28-2007

I'm skeptical on this flick, but I will definately go see it opening night! I'm going to go into the movie with the same mentality I had watching H3. I'm not even going to consider it HalloweeN... just a Zombie flick w/ a similar plot. I'll let you all know my thoughts after I check it out.

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - ColdBlooded Killer - 08-28-2007

I enjoyed it. The version everyone saw was rough, the editing and sound/music was obviously not finished. I think that I will be happier with the final version in a few days.

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - Scottie - 08-28-2007

<img src=\"<#EMO_DIR#>/down.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":down:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"down.gif\" />

Just Saw Rob Zombie's Halloween! - pooch - 08-28-2007

I'm going on friday to see it...looking forward to it......-matt