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First 'official' Pic Of The Rbr Sandman - Printable Version

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First 'official' Pic Of The Rbr Sandman - WilliamAbuJannah - 08-19-2004

the FINAL pic of the SandMan glove. It\'s one from a small group of pics that will be on the site soon. I\'ve been trying to hold onto the pics, but they came out so nice I wanted to share one and see what ya\'ll thought.

Here she is, the official (for the moment, lol) web pic of the RBR pt one SandMan glove.

[Image: WilliamAbuJannah-RBRSANDMAN1.jpg]

First 'official' Pic Of The Rbr Sandman - farid_krueger - 08-19-2004

that glove kicks soo much ass man!!
i really like it!!
nice work!! Smile

First 'official' Pic Of The Rbr Sandman - VF31 - 08-19-2004

work of art for sure!

First 'official' Pic Of The Rbr Sandman - DAKAZA - 08-19-2004
