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Friday The 13th Music - Printable Version

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Friday The 13th Music - sirbrad - 11-05-2007

Can you actually buy this? Is it on soundtracks? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Kinda of like that, that is exactly what I am looking for. I got the idea to have this playing alongside my lifesize display, as it was very eerie and cool and the same time. I was testing out my blue lights and had the webpage on as I was doing some research, and I was like woah! I need this music! Halloween is going to be even better next year! I will also be creating a lifesize part 6 for the same display, either from the end of part 6 or the very beginning of part 7 while chained.

Friday The 13th Music - JOEY - 11-05-2007

PM member "EVOL" here about it. Jay hooked me up with the soundtrack from each of the films.