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Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - Printable Version

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Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - Lewis Tully - 09-22-2004

I need a Pt one mask, and I think I have decided that this was the cheapest option. Does anyone know how they hair their masks? Do they put an insane amount of hair on \'em like MMP did when they first released the masks? Or do they put a nice, moderate amount of hair on \'em like David at does? I am needing this mask, and I have just about run out of options. Thanks!!!


Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - Hauntmaster9 - 09-22-2004

I\'d say the guy needs a dremel

Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - Lewis Tully - 09-22-2004

.... I\'m very, extremely confused...


Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - WarLocK - 09-22-2004

I\'ve bought from Jack in the box quite a few times before. Actually I bought my first 3 Myers from him back in 2002. He has gotten a lot better with his pulls since then. But always remember, you get what you pay for.

Your mask will not have an insane amount of hair on it, it will be moderate. If you want a comparison to David\'s at Boogeyman well then here ya have it..... David\'s pulls are much smoother and his hair is well laid and combed. Jackinthebox\'s are a little rough and the hair is not always cleanly placed. For $60 though, it\'s worth it for a budget Myers mask. I wouldn\'t pay $100+ for the quality of masks he produces though.

I am in no way suggesting that Jackinthebox does bad work, just giving my personal opinion. You may think his masks are perfect in every way. Just keep in mind I have owned over 75+ Myers from various collectors over the past 5 years and I know the variation of quality when I see it. Take my info for what it\'s worth.


Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - WilliamAbuJannah - 09-22-2004

It probably means the mask has rough seam lines and eye hole cuts. They\'re not being dremeled nice and smooth.

That\' what I think he means though, about the dremel.

Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - WilliamAbuJannah - 09-22-2004

75+ Myers masks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoW, that would look so damn awesome all lined up.

So in your opinion, which one would you say most resembled the H1 mask?

Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - WarLocK - 09-22-2004

Quote:75+ Myers masks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoW, that would look so damn awesome all lined up.

So in your opinion, which one would you say most resembled the H1 mask?
That\'s not a hard answer. Here is one of my pride and joys! The original NMM78 by Justin is the best H1 thus far. This was originally owned by Steve Todd. I apologize in advance for making anyone drool... Big Grin

[Image: CleanNMM1.jpg]
[Image: CleanNMM2.jpg]
[Image: CleanNMM3.jpg]

Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - WarLocK - 09-22-2004

I also really love this very detailed version that was sold to me by the webmaster here at NIGHTOWL (Jeff).

[Image: NMMcoveralls5.jpg]
[Image: NewNMM4.jpg]

Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - Hauntmaster9 - 09-22-2004

I meant more the quality of his pulls, very bumpy.

Need A Review Of Jack In The Box... - Lewis Tully - 09-22-2004

MMmmmmmmph!!!! That\'s what I want... But due to money stuff, I have to go with Jack in the Box... Grr... (5 year old, pouty voice) You didun\'t have to rub it in my face... Big meanie! (Exit 5 year old voice.) Jerk...
