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Rockers Who Died At 27 - snowmon - 09-06-2008

Here are the rockers who died at 27, I will include the band their in to:Chris Bell - Big Star Dennes Boon - Minutemen Kurt Cobain - Nirvana Les Harvey - Stone The Crows Jimi Hendrix Robert Johnson Janis Joplin Helmut Koellen - Triumvirat Jimmy McCulloch - Wings Ron 'Pigpen' McKernan - Grateful Dead Jim Morrison - Doors Gary Thain - Uriah Heep Jason Thirsk - Pennywise Al Wilson - Canned Heat 14 people died at 27, sad <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\"Sad\" border=\"0\" alt=\"sad.gif\" />I wounder who else is going to join the 27 club.Tell me you're thoughts on the 14 great artist's who died at suck a young age.Rock In Peace guy's.

Rockers Who Died At 27 - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-06-2008

Morrison has always been my fav. and will be that way forever . an amazing person and artist , and poet . one day i'll find his autograph and hang it next to my Heath Ledger mike,RIP Jim Morrison

Rockers Who Died At 27 - Ruste Dowg - 09-06-2008

I still have my Nirvana ticket for the gig that never happend, kurt cobain was nowhere near an accomplished writer or singer, infact he was not really technically that great but there was just something about Nirvana that captured a generation, great loss.Morrison was and still will be one of the greatest rock singer/performers of all time, i imagine if he were still around today he would be doing a lot of blues with maybe Van Morrison or someone like him.

Rockers Who Died At 27 - ReellyScary - 09-06-2008

Jimi was the best <i>(to me)</i> on that list. That man was the greatest . Absolutly timeless music.I have a love/hate thing with Jim Morrison. he was great but, let's face it at times he barely kept it together. Screaming and howling into the mic cause your so boozed and drugged up that you can't remember your lyrics isn't really a talent. I love the studio recorded stuff though.Nirvana was great....although I like their pre-Nevermind stuff more than their comercial releases.

Rockers Who Died At 27 - Ruste Dowg - 09-06-2008

Man how did i forget about Jimi, just the greatest guitar player EVER, i was listening to voodoo chile the other day and you can almost hear 3 guitars on there sometimes! If it weren't for Jimi there would have been a lot of starts who would never had picked up a guitar.

Rockers Who Died At 27 - FreddysNightmare - 09-06-2008

I like Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobian and Jim Morrisson from that list. There is only one Doors album that I absolutly love and that is called, "L.A. Woman." It rules for me. I am glad that Liam Gallagher has aged past this point, but I am worried that Amy Winehouse may be added to this list if she doesnt get herself locked up in rehab for like two years or so. <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/whistling.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":whistling:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"whistling.gif\" />

Rockers Who Died At 27 - Megatron - 09-06-2008

hendrix will always be a guitar legend....i never get tired of listening to his albums.....i could press play without skipping a track...

Rockers Who Died At 27 - snowmon - 09-06-2008

Jimi was an amazing guitar player, the best in my opioin, I loved Voodoo Child and Foxy. The best song's ever !!!Kurt, his lyrics where too powerful, the band could suck (they don't) but if Kurt kept the lyrics they still would of been the band we love today. Look at Smells Like Teen Spirit, no one know's what that song means, I don't even think Kurt, Krist, and Dave even know what the song means but because of the lyrics the song was the band's savior and most succesful song ! Kurt's lyric's alway's seemed to get to me in a werid way, and he wrote all kind of songs, hate songs, love songs, rock songs, heavy metal songs.R.I.P guy's, their all up in heaven rockin' out still, rock 'n roll will never die !

Rockers Who Died At 27 - Willowman - 09-06-2008

Eh, I was a big fan of Nirvana when I was a teenager, too. But Cobain was a terrible lyricist and an average guitar player. He just had a knack for catchy tunes, that's about it. I challenge anyone to convince me of the meaning behind any song he ever wrote. You won't find one cause it's all gibberish. But it's some catchy gibberish! Man, I can't recall the last time I put one of their albums in a cd player.I can still listen to The Doors, though. Great stuff there.

Rockers Who Died At 27 - snowmon - 09-06-2008

Kurt really didn't want to but too much meaning in his songs but most of them where about him or at least 1 or 2 lines in a song where about him.Heart Shaped Box was writen about Courtney Love - A great song to a horrible person.And About A Girl was writen about his only girlfriend who treated him bad and told him to get a life ect.I read the Smells Like Teen Spirit was about lazy teenagers, that's what Kurt or Krist (I forgot who said it) said the song was about.