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Endoskull Blanks? - Printable Version

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Endoskull Blanks? - puckface - 12-22-2008

lookin through ebay I came across a couple raw casts made of resin....I was wondering if anyone around the board does them? or knows who I can get one from besides ebay? seems like it'd be a fun prject

Endoskull Blanks? - LustigManiac - 12-22-2008

Monsters in Motion used to have the blank kits as well... i think the site is They have a ton of stuff.Matt

Endoskull Blanks? - FlugMi - 12-22-2008

I used to have one of those... it was total Crap. just a warped up piece of shit vinyl kit thats a waste of $$ and even after hours of work it STILL will look like shit. . . . . just a warning.Chris

Endoskull Blanks? - Patsmear - 12-22-2008

Be Careful of Monsters in Motion too. They Recast a lot of their kits. Pat