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Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - jasonpt3 - 10-12-2004

[Image: HurricaneIvan077.jpg]

[Image: HurricaneIvan069.jpg]

Hi, this @ Hockey Mask th@t i m@de from fibergl@ss. this is the first m@sk i p@inted its not th@t gre@t. i c@n p@int @ c@r but p@inting @ Hockey Mask is @little h@rder. lol. i will be m@kking @nd selling Bl@nks Drilled & trimed for 25$ shipped. th@t sounds f@ir bec@cus if you felt the itch @fter you been s@nding fibegl@ss @ll d@y you would s@y th@ts f@ir. I c@n p@int them for you @t @ good price.

Does @nyone here h@ve @ny tips on mixing p@ints to get the colors for e@ch style m@sk? or @ny p@int codes?

Sorry @bout the pics my girl friend took them. @lso they fit @nd look nice on under m@sks.


oh ye@ the bl@nks will be s@nded

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - ChainGrave - 10-12-2004

Where are you located ,
Its just that I\'d love a blank but cant be arsed paying $40 shipping if you are in America or Canada

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - jasonpt3 - 10-12-2004

im from florid@ US@ pm w/ your info @nd ill see wh@t i C@n do to help you with shipping.

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - killnskin - 10-12-2004

is that an 8-hole recast? because it sure looks like it.

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - GBeninati - 10-12-2004

yeah the shape of that nose looks familiar
..and you have to put these posts in classifieds

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - jasonpt3 - 10-12-2004

the mold i used is one i m@de from fo@m. then m@de @ resin mold from th@t.
ye@ i w@snt pl@ning on selling them but they m@de @ big it @round my town. I would be intrested in buying @ better close to orig@nl mold if @nyone would be intrested in selling one. you c@n pm me.


Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - gmyers - 10-12-2004

i was wondering if u would mind not using the @ for a\'s anymore. it\'s getting really annoying, and it prob. waste time for u.

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - jasonpt3 - 10-12-2004

[Image: HurricaneIvan061.jpg]

I desided to put this up for S@le @fter seeing wh@t @nother member did with his i would much r@ther see mine redone @nd looking good then to see her stock. the m@sk is in new condition. never wore. still h@s the t@g. the m@sk is 100% l@tex. i dont h@ve the @bility to p@int or i would keep it @nd redo it. i p@yed $60 w/ shipping when i got it. but i will let it go for 50$ shipped. I might tr@de just pm me @ offer. i @lso h@ve @ che@p verson m@de @bout the s@me ye@r for $30.

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-12-2004

he\'s not using the \'@\' because he wants too, the \'a\' button on his keyboard is supposedly broke.

Hocks & Jgth L@tex M@sk - TheChosenOne - 10-13-2004

$50 shipped for the IC JGTH mask??? :blink: