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How Much Have You Spent? - Printable Version

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How Much Have You Spent? - EVOL - 02-09-2009

Hey All,I've always wondered what we all spend on our collections. If you don't feel like it's to personal then please share with us. When i think about all the $$$ I pumped into my collection, It's like OMG that's a lot of money, LOLSo far i've spent well over $20,000 alone just on my Jason stuff. if I put all my collectibles togather it would well be over 25,000 easy.I feel like every piece is important in it's on way and no matter how big or small it is. I couldn't get rid of it. One day I hope to have a house full of just Jason. LOL I probally have enough stuff to do that now. <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\"Smile\" border=\"0\" alt=\"smile.gif\" /> Still plenty to find though..........

How Much Have You Spent? - Horror4Ever - 02-09-2009

Well of all the stuff i have owned in the past and now i would say i spent about £7,000. Thats on masks/busts & figures.

How Much Have You Spent? - Sinister - 02-09-2009

On masks, figures, and costumes alone I got about $6,000 total.

How Much Have You Spent? - SideshowFreak - 02-09-2009

I'm not sure what i have spent on my whole horror collection, but i can say that i have spent over $4000 in the past 3 months.

How Much Have You Spent? - EVOL - 02-09-2009

Cool Guys.It really shows how much of hard core fans we all are!

How Much Have You Spent? - Mutilated - 02-09-2009

Most of the stuff I've gotten, I traded for, got for free, etc etc but as far as dropping my own cash I'd say around a grand or so.

How Much Have You Spent? - Deathwalk78 - 02-09-2009

I've probably spent about $15-$20k on my collection over the last 3 years or so. Granted, I tend to spend a little more on certain rare pieces, simply cause it took forever tracking them down and convincing the previous owner to part with them.

How Much Have You Spent? - scabboy - 02-09-2009

Lately... 4-5 grand.I spent about the same before 3 douches ripped me of for about 1200 total and sold it all to pay off my credit card... so 11 grand total?

How Much Have You Spent? - mperaginejr - 02-09-2009

Hmm, between Jason and Star Wars figures, costumes, hocs, hoods, masks, probably about $12k.

How Much Have You Spent? - stainboy - 02-09-2009

We're all crazy.And I mean that seriously. <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yes.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":yes:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"yes.gif\" />