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Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - Printable Version

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Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - goaliehack - 11-11-2004

Wow, simply hockey mask I have ever owned. And for those who knows me, that been a few. Wink Its just so real, other then the base coat and triangles it doesn\'t seem like paint! Anywho, PICS! Please, no complaints about the cheek snaps. Wink
Pics still arn\'t doing this thing Justice, I think Garys got a better feel for it but I tried.
[Image: GOHS1.jpg]
[Image: GOHS2.jpg]
[Image: GOHS3.jpg]
[Image: GOHS5.jpg]
[Image: GOHS4.jpg]
[Image: GOHS6.jpg]

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - froggydogg69 - 11-11-2004

Nice score Steve-O!

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - noxious_infestation - 11-11-2004

Very Very Nice :o

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - SPAZ - 11-11-2004

OMG!!!!! look at the ch...............
nice bro I gotta say awsome mask you got there
are you going to put it on
sorry for all the sh*t in the chat no hard feelings

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - JV666 - 11-11-2004

Amazing man... Nicest Hockey Mask I\'ve ever seen in my life... Congrats!

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - VF31 - 11-11-2004

asshole :lol:

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - Jason-V - 11-11-2004

did that come from Gary, or from Crops?

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - Jason-V - 11-11-2004

im assumin Gary..

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - goaliehack - 11-11-2004

Gary. I might also like to add, if you have the change to pick up something cool from gary....pick it up! Never delt with someone and had such a smooth transaction as I did with G. Most well packed mask I have ever recieved too, tapped perfect and was under 3 different layers of protection. Plus got here in 2 days wihtout any delay! What a guy. :wub: hahaha.

Just Recieved My Gohs 3! - VF31 - 11-11-2004

steves in love...

i hope its with the Hockey Mask and not gary... Wink