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Name-copying For Gloves? - Printable Version

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Name-copying For Gloves? - mpetrie - 05-13-2010

Hey guys... should I feel a bit peeved about this? There is a German glove-maker that periodically posts videos of his gloves. In one of his videos, it shows him making a glove and then when he completes it, he's wearing one of my older version Hero gloves as if he is the one who built it.Now.. I just discovered that he's got another glove and he's selling it under the name "Resurrection". I can't help but feel that this dude is starting to rip me off or copy what I am doing. I don't mind if he uses my gloves as a reference to try to make his own but to actually use a glove of mine in a video to advertise his own creations and then to go and copy one of the names for my highest-end gloves?Thoughts on if my anger is a bit justified?His Resurrection glove video: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>His video making a glove but demoing mine instead: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>(Around the 4:50 mark he puts my glove on to demo)

Name-copying For Gloves? - child of bodom - 05-13-2010

i dont blame you at all for being pissed, are you able to put copyrights on your gloves or is that illegal since you didnt actually invent the original glove?Either way you should contact the guy and give him a piece of your mind <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/msmile79.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":frank:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"msmile79.gif\" />

Name-copying For Gloves? - 420Smiles - 05-13-2010

My take on this is as follows.........You SHOULD be able to Copyright your gloves under the names that you give them. The glove itself is a different than any other product. Take an automobile for example....... There are SEVERAL companies that make automobiles, but none of them paid for the right to build the automobiles........they only pay to Copyright or Trademark THEIR particular brand and the 'make" of the automobile ( Ford trademarks the "FORD" name and the "MUSTANG" name..............GMC Trademarks the name "Chevrolet" and the name "CORVETTE" ) but they all make the SAME things.........CARS.You are not claiming that you "designed" or "invented" the glove with knives on the fingers..........same as Toyota is not saying they invented the automobile. Toyota says they "produce" the "CAMRY".........just as you are saying you "produce" the Resurrection glove. For another maker to lay claim to that name for the same type of product is a violation of Copyright Law.........if the name is Trademarked to your company. Without you Trademarking the name, legally the name is up for grabs. It doesn't make what he is doing right.............but it is legal. Also sucks like crazy.Lay into him........Let him know you are an established craftsman that has been building these gloves for "this long" and you feel that he has stepped over the line by using YOUR names one his products.Also let him know that he should use his own products and not yours when he is claiming to DEMO "his" product. Let him know that by DEMOing "your" product and claiming that it is "his" product only shows that "his" product MUST BE inferior to yours.......for that is the only reason he would be doing that.I think you should do it in a Video Responce to his YouTube Vids. Show people your products and show them "his"..........let them see he is claiming your work as his own. Show stills of your site showing your gloves and there names so people can see that this guy is stepping on your name and your hard work.These are just my opinions...........but I hope you get this sorted out. You work WAY to hard to have someone else "bite your style".420Smiles

Name-copying For Gloves? - johnp - 05-13-2010

It's definitely a little sketchy.Also, am I crazy or is he wearing one of the horrible recasts of Lewis Frye's Part 2 mask that used to show up on eBay from time to time?

Name-copying For Gloves? - ianfxmen - 05-13-2010

i would also be pissed. go get him Mark!!!!!

Name-copying For Gloves? - creativenightmares - 05-13-2010

Man I saw this video yesterday.... I did notice it said resurection on it, dident really put two and two together. but didnt know he first started posting videos of your glove like he made it.... I would feel alittle frustrated with this aswell

Name-copying For Gloves? - psychosocial91 - 05-13-2010

Thats messed up man, I'd def. give him a piece of my mind if I were you. I think a video response would be the best way. Good luck Mark. You work to hard to have this happen. The funny thing is you are more that happy to help new builder like myself with your awesome "How a glove is built" vids so there is no need for him to do this.

Name-copying For Gloves? - Deadguy71 - 05-13-2010

I'd get a friend to post a comment, saying, "Hey, you're not the guy that makes that glove you're wearing, and the guy who made it already has a resurrection glove out there.. Are you trying to rip us off, or just him? You make gloves.. display one of yours, and give it an original name." Then link to both, a video of the glove in question, and a video containing the resurrection glove. THEN if he persists, you post a message there yourself.. "hey that's mine"

Name-copying For Gloves? - mpetrie - 05-13-2010

Good.. looks like he took the videos down.

Name-copying For Gloves? - psychosocial91 - 05-13-2010
