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P R E D A T O R S - Printable Version

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P R E D A T O R S - darko@totalgeek - 05-21-2010

g a y !

P R E D A T O R S - darko@totalgeek - 05-21-2010

gay - er!

P R E D A T O R S - glamourdoll13 - 05-21-2010

Have to agree with you. I can't stand how they make some of these posters nowadays. They always put the main actors and the bad guy in the back round. It would have been a lot better if it just had the Predator on it

P R E D A T O R S - FreddysNightmare - 05-21-2010

Those posters are both <b>BAAAAAADDDD</b>. I think they should just make a cool poster with only the<u> predators </u>on IMO.

P R E D A T O R S - monteburns - 05-21-2010

Those look like they were made for a straight to dvd movie.Hopefully they come put with a poster/banner with just a Predator on it.

P R E D A T O R S - rockman - 05-21-2010

those posters are terrible, and why isnt danny trejo on the second one? is he not an important enough character?

P R E D A T O R S - Blazer45398 - 05-21-2010

The first one looks like Terminator at first and the second looks like something out of the 80's. I guess they only added the characters in them because they are the good guys and Robert Rodriguez wanted them to be likable and make it like their own movie too.