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Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - Printable Version

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Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - Mask Murderers - 11-27-2004

Hey guys I started this a few days back, I had no idea Mark was making such a nice piece as well, so it would be much appreciated if you do not compare mine to his. I am going for a different look them him & I want his piece as well as mine to appeal to people so I am trying to make mine as different from his beauty as possible. Thanks for viewing & this is still in the works.

[Image: en.jpg]

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - farid_krueger - 11-27-2004

looking really good Bob! Smile

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - The13thDreamShape - 11-27-2004

wow man, thats awesome!hand laying that hair would kill wouldnt it?

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - Andy - 11-27-2004


Like I said earlier Bob, I really like where your going with this piece. He\'s got real character and such a cool expression. Great touch with the neck / sweater line too, gives him a museum bust kind of look.

Keep us posted bro Smile

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - SPAZ - 11-27-2004

looking good dude
I love how the sweater is there too
Keep it up man

HELL???????? Wink

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - Bloodyaxe - 11-27-2004

Great job bob,
. I love the sweater idea and it is progressing very,very nicely. Keep up the great work, you keep getting better with every piece.

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - englundisgod - 11-28-2004

keep it up bob i like the sweater idea i doubt it but how would you make stubble??hes 54, i dont know what it is but the expression on the face just looks awesome

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - puckface - 11-28-2004

Bob, I think you should keep up the good work! :lol:

Really, it is lokin great. Ill jump on the badnwagon, the sweater I dea is great! I can actually see hat character comin tp life! I love it Bob.....keep up the good work! Tongue

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - gmyers - 11-28-2004

yeah that sucks u and mark doing the same piece. still not to shabby.

Robert. E Sculpt Almost Done! - ZombieBloodLust - 11-28-2004


is it just me or is it the camera, most of your sculpts as friggin awesome as they are seem to be streched out horizontaly.... they look oblong as opposed to round, again it may just be me, and it is just an observation. thanks alot!

Brian B