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Kane Hodder Pics - KingViper - 11-28-2004

Here are a couple pics of me and Kane at todays event. The one pic I am wearing my scout armor then I went back later and had another taken. Kane is a super cool guy. He would ONLY sign MY stuff free, but wanted to charge for other people.

[Image: kane1.jpg]
[Image: kane2.jpg]



Kane Hodder Pics - gmyers - 11-28-2004

looks awesome! he was wearing the same shirt when i met him! Smile

Kane Hodder Pics - puckface - 11-28-2004

What an awesome jearsy....mmm......


Sweet pics bro!!! Feels god to meet a celeb, huh?

Kane Hodder Pics - gmyers - 11-28-2004

yeah it does lol Big Grin

Kane Hodder Pics - KingViper - 11-28-2004

Yeahs, he\'s cool. He stood outside with me and his wife/girlfriend as we smoked and talked about some films he just finsihed working on. And I thought Gunnar Hansen was cool.

Kane Hodder Pics - gmyers - 11-28-2004

Yeah gunner is an awesome dude! But i didn\'t get to talk to w/ gunnar that much since he was super busy. but i got to have a quick bite to eat with kane! Big Grin

Kane Hodder Pics - jasonpt3 - 11-28-2004

Quote:Yeahs, he\'s cool.  He stood outside with me and his wife/girlfriend as we smoked and talked about some films he just finsihed working on.  And I thought Gunnar Hansen was cool.
did you find out if theres going to be anymore jason films going to be made? im sure he would know. Big Grin if they are do you know what its going to be about?

Kane Hodder Pics - gmyers - 11-28-2004

I\'m sure they\'ll be some more jason movies made bro! Wink I didn\'t want to ask him cause, what if they didn\'t hire him, that would make him pissed off lol.

Kane Hodder Pics - KingViper - 11-28-2004

He said he just finished shots for "House of a 1,000 Corpses part 2" and some "Alias" episodes. I didnt ask about any more Jason flicks.

Kane Hodder Pics - gmyers - 11-28-2004

yeah he pretty much told me the same things he told mandalore.