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Heads Up - leatherface91 - 11-28-2004

Hey guys sad to say I\'ll be losing my INTERNET not my pc before christmas.I say PC because I\'LL BE BACK (think i\'ve head that somewhere) All I gotta do is get an A.O.L trial thingamabob) nd I\'ll hopefully be back by late December early Jan. just thought I;d give you all a heads up(It will probally be the 20th of Dec. that I lose it) Sad

Heads Up - gmyers - 11-28-2004

Wink sucks to hear that man. I\'ll see you whenever ur back on!

Heads Up - englundisgod - 11-28-2004

too bad about that man, i hope ya make some progress on that remake set-up, and hopefully recieve that killn\'skin (its me gunnarisgod)

Heads Up - leatherface91 - 11-28-2004

thanks guys I\'ll be on for about another month I think.Hey england I;m also working on a vs mask I\'m getting a custom Hockey Mask!!!!!

Heads Up - gmyers - 11-28-2004

I would recommend not getting AOL IMO they are the worst company to deal withl.