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Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - Printable Version

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Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - SPAZ - 11-29-2004

tell me what ya think
also fixed the hair
[Image: DSC_0385.jpg]
this is what it looked like before
[Image: DSC_0392.jpg]

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - SPAZ - 11-29-2004

and some shots I thought looks cool
[Image: DSC_0387.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0386.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0388.jpg]
blood tears convert
[Image: 6db6f1be.jpg]
H6 (The Origin)
[Image: DSC_0393.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0390.jpg]

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - creamedgeezer - 11-29-2004

mmm, purty Smile

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - SPAZ - 11-29-2004

Quote:mmm, purty Smile
thanks looks better than before??
also cleand up the nose some

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - creamedgeezer - 11-29-2004

i didnt see it before, but i\'m diggin it now!

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - SPAZ - 11-29-2004

Quote:i didnt see it before, but i\'m diggin it now!
I put a before shot in the first post Wink

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - creamedgeezer - 11-29-2004

ahhh, very good job (i just look at the pretty pictures) Smile

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - SPAZ - 11-29-2004

Quote:ahhh, very good jobĀ  (i just look at the pretty pictures) Smile
:lol: :lol:
thanks bro

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - puckface - 11-29-2004

That evilution shot looks awesome

Fixed The Eyes On My Nightmare - Mutilated - 11-29-2004

Damn, those rule dude.