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Hey Guys - jpetz - 11-30-2004

when you place something on ebay like for example a hockey mask. how do you advertise the mask so that it will show up when someone types in jason mask for the search topic? i have a mask on there but it takes an act of congress to pull it up. thanks guys.

Hey Guys - cap10rhodes - 11-30-2004

You just have to use the words "Jason" and "Mask" in the main title. For example:
Jason Mask Not Freddy Or Michael Myers. That one will get it to show in the Freddy, Jason, and Myers mask search. Wink

Hey Guys - GBeninati - 11-30-2004

"take jason to hockey practice and don\'t let him forget his mask he is playing goalie this friday the 13th VS freddy"

Hey Guys - puckface - 11-30-2004

At first I laughed, but now that I think of it, you\'re a frikin genius Gary

Hey Guys - mike - 11-30-2004

Quote:You just have to use the words "Jason" and "Mask" in the main title.  For example:
Jason Mask Not Freddy Or Michael Myers.  That one will get it to show in the Freddy, Jason, and Myers mask search. Wink

Hey Guys - Lewis Tully - 11-30-2004

Quote:You just have to use the words "Jason" and "Mask" in the main title.  For example:
Jason Mask Not Freddy Or Michael Myers.  That one will get it to show in the Freddy, Jason, and Myers mask search. Wink
Bad idea... that\'ll get your auction pulled in a heartbeat... Try "NOT FREDDY JASON MYERS HOCKEY MASK, FOOTBALL FENCING MASK." Then in the description of the auction, try and sell it as a fencing mask.


Hey Guys - cap10rhodes - 11-30-2004

Yeah, my title might get your auction yanked but it was just an example. Personally I find it a lost cause to try and sell a hockey mask on Ebay anymore. NLC is making it very hard on us. I\'d try selling it through the boards. Good luck.