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Vs From Farid Being Worn - Printable Version

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Vs From Farid Being Worn - Prime Time - 11-30-2004

well after camera probs i finally got pix of the vs being worn....its a pretty good mask cept that the color is a lil weird....kinda reminds me of ravioli..which is y im getting my good ol buddy will to repaint it for me Big Grin now all i need is my lefty from mark ( HINT HINT HINT MARK HINT)
[Image: vsfred0001.jpg]
[Image: vsfred0003.jpg]
the one thing i love about skintight masks are that if the mouths are slit it loox like u talk when u talk cause the mouth moves w/ urs...
[Image: vsfred0004.jpg]

Vs From Farid Being Worn - farid_krueger - 11-30-2004

it looks really cool!!!
i really like the pix bro...thanks you da man!!! B) Big Grin

Vs From Farid Being Worn - Prime Time - 11-30-2004

thnx i think i look good behind fred masks lol

Vs From Farid Being Worn - farid_krueger - 11-30-2004

Quote:color is a lil weird....kinda reminds me of ravioli.
:lol: :lol: :lol: LOL!!!!

Vs From Farid Being Worn - null1 - 11-30-2004

lol, you guys remember this pic when he tries to resell that mask!! :blink:
Be sure to show us some pics after Will gets his mits on it!

Vs From Farid Being Worn - Prime Time - 11-30-2004

i was gonna ask u to do it mark, but ur like BUSY lol....always so i figured there was no reason to ask...also hows lefty comin along...i pm\'d u and u havent replied...

Vs From Farid Being Worn - Prime Time - 11-30-2004

doesnt it look like a can of chef boyardi ravioli HAHA

Vs From Farid Being Worn - puckface - 11-30-2004

Loosk tighter than Marks part 1 :lol:

Vs From Farid Being Worn - farid_krueger - 11-30-2004

:lol: hahaha...LOL

Vs From Farid Being Worn - Prime Time - 11-30-2004

pt 1 is perfect fit....slips on and off...stuntman is the other skin tight mask i got lol...but yea just bout like that....and no i dint cut the slit in the mouth...came that way, just like stuntman...i dint cut slit in that either...