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Hey Guys... - Printable Version

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Hey Guys... - SuperDanDrista - 11-30-2004

Well a few of you noticed that I posted yesterday in the classified ads..Only reason is because I was able to use a computer from school. It\'s obvious now that my IP is banned and not my user name...go figure...

Justin and Gary couldn\'t figure it out...

So I haven\'t made a return to this board and unless my IP is found on the banned list i\'ll stay that way...

Man I see a lot of new faces here for sure and some old buddies...

My hockey collection is at the point where i won\'t be adding many new masks for a LONG time ...but i\'ve been buying a lot of vintage promotional F13 items lately..good nostalgia..

Anyway hope things are well with everyone..I doubt i\'ll get on this computer again as it\'s in the library and I have NO business being here :blink: ....

peace Tongue

Hey Guys... - Lewis Tully - 11-30-2004

Dude, Bad times... Hopefully you\'ll be back soon. Until then, Enjoy the Friday stuff!!!


Hey Guys... - VF31 - 11-30-2004

to quote slater from dazed and confused

"catch ya later!"

Hey Guys... - SPAZ - 11-30-2004

well I know we had our little fights in the past but it\'s all good now
it\'s been kinda boring here since ya left
Glad ya came back and hope you come by again
Later Bro

Hey Guys... - TheChosenOne - 11-30-2004

Hey Dan, glad you stopped by!

Hey Guys... - JV666 - 11-30-2004

Yo Dan! Cool to see ya stop by. B)

Hey Guys... - puckface - 11-30-2004

Its like releasing a young wounded animal into the wild. He was a friend at first, then you have to watch him scatter into the bushes, and set him free Sad



Hey Guys... - travsall - 11-30-2004

Hey Dan! I\'m still hoping we can figure out your IP man. Are you sure you can\'t find it?

Hey Guys... - gmyers - 11-30-2004

nice to see you back for a little be. Catch ya later!

Hey Guys... - EverythingJason - 11-30-2004

Good to hear from you again buddy. I noticed some of your new pieces on the HMA and I love the direction that you are going with your collection! Only the high end pieces man, what a way to go! Hope to have ya back soon for some serious mask talk.