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Won Me Some Money! - DragoBloodlust - 12-01-2004

I just wanted to gloat. I won $1000 on the radio. Gonna get some ink and maybe a new mask. Gotta pay some bills and splitting the rest with the wife. Gonna be a fun X-Mas.

Won Me Some Money! - puckface - 12-01-2004

Congrats bro!

Won Me Some Money! - Prime Time - 12-01-2004

hey stealing from the rich to give to me is always a good thing LOL....way to go dude

Won Me Some Money! - gmyers - 12-01-2004

LUCKY! man i wish i had that kind of money! I\'m in debt right now lol.

Won Me Some Money! - Lewis Tully - 12-01-2004

Heck yeah, I hear that. Christmas time is a WONDERFUL time to have money fall into thy lap. Good times... What\'d ya have to do? Just be the right caller? If so, that\'s a wussy radio game... you gotta answer impossibly impossible questions if you wanna be a MANLY radio winner... Tongue


Won Me Some Money! - DragoBloodlust - 12-01-2004

Nah, it was a ratings thing. You had to listen all week and wait to hear Dire Straits "Money for Nothing" and Pink Floyd "Money" played back to back and be caller 95. I got lucky as hell.

Won Me Some Money! - gmyers - 12-01-2004

Now that is pure like man........pure luck!

Won Me Some Money! - Lewis Tully - 12-01-2004

Dang, that is lucky... Do they take taxes outta that???


Won Me Some Money! - DragoBloodlust - 12-01-2004

Nope. Tax-Free. Any monetary prize must be at least $1200 to be taxed.

Won Me Some Money! - gmyers - 12-01-2004

feel like donating to the poor? Tongue