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The Moon Was Out. - Printable Version

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The Moon Was Out. - evilsmellyclown - 08-26-2010

i looked outside this evening and the moon was calling me. so i grabbbed a few masks and shot some stuff for you guys.

[Image: IMG_2377.jpg][Image: IMG_2378.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2380.jpg][Image: IMG_2382.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2383.jpg][Image: IMG_2387.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2391.jpg][Image: IMG_2393.jpg]

The Moon Was Out. - vezolution - 08-26-2010

Haha great pics man. Love the butcher and brute!

The Moon Was Out. - evilsmellyclown - 08-26-2010

one more. couldnt resist this one. i was in bed and i just couldnt sleep without taking this one.

[Image: IMG_2406.jpg]

The Moon Was Out. - VF 31 - 08-26-2010

creepy pics!

The Moon Was Out. - travsall - 08-26-2010

NICE!! The wolf was TOTALLY worth getting out of bed to do, came out awesome Mike!!

The Moon Was Out. - GraveOctober - 08-26-2010

This picture makes me think how great of a feel the Halloween remake could have instead of Rob Zombie's version.

[Image: IMG_2382.jpg]

Nice pics.

The Moon Was Out. - SideshowFreak - 08-26-2010

Great pics Mike.

Man i love the Quist!! That picture turned out awesome. I think I might just print that badboy and hang it on the wall.

Love the Butcher too. I wish I never sold mine. I have to agree with you Grave, the Halloween movie would have been so much better with Justins mask.


The Moon Was Out. - SPAZONIOUS - 08-26-2010

golly gee willikers Mike you wacky SOB
you got some CRAZY EYES bro
loving that Butcher

The Moon Was Out. - Mutilated - 08-26-2010

These pics rock, love the werewolf one!

The Moon Was Out. - wickedbeard - 08-26-2010

Awesome shots bro!!!That 4th pic is money!!