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Another Celeb Down - Printable Version

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Another Celeb Down - SideshowFreak - 09-30-2010

Well yet another celebrity dies from prescription drugs. Greg Giraldo dies at 44 from a overdose of pills. He was a funny comedian,definitely a shame!

When are they going to tighten up the script laws and stop handing these things out like candy! What ever happened to booze,weed & blow.

Another Celeb Down - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-30-2010

Didn't really know him from anything but still very sad to hear . And at such a young age too :confused: . Also Tony Curtis just died as well

Another Celeb Down - evilsmellyclown - 09-30-2010

shame to hear.


Another Celeb Down - SlaughterHouseVictim - 09-30-2010


Another Celeb Down - psychosocial91 - 09-30-2010

Thats really a shame he was great on the CC roasts

Another Celeb Down - The Death Curse - 10-01-2010

Hearing that news made my entire day depressing. I had always loved the guy and laughed hardest at his jokes during the various 'Roasts.

"GILBERT GOTFRIED!...You look like you smell like piss!" :laugh:

May he R.I.P.