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Masks For Sale In Time For Halloween - Printable Version

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Masks For Sale In Time For Halloween - timbs2007 - 10-07-2010

Hey guys im trying to sell these masks as i need cash cause im moving at the end of the month.
PAypal only
prices include shipping con# and insurance
shipping to US only

If you want everything ill take $310 shipped for all(Ill throw in something extra if you buy it all)

CS H8 - $105 shipped
The Thing - $80 Shipped
Both Rubies Jason's and Clown mask - $100 shipped for all 3
Freddy Glove - $45 Shipped

CS Ressurection Mask
[Image: newscores007.jpg]

The Thing Mask by The Devils Latex
[Image: zzz1h.jpg]

Rubies F13th pt 7 w/ hangtag
[Image: 1255357230.jpg]

[Image: 1255357203.jpg]

Rubies F13th mask w/Hangtag
[Image: zzz3m.jpg]

Clown MAsk(looks like Harold from H8)
[Image: zzzhh.jpg]

Rubies Deluxe Freddy burnt toast Glove w/ Metal Blades and Box
[Image: 56639835.jpg]