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Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - Printable Version

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Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - ClosetMonsterP - 12-11-2004

I am in need of getting a car for my new job immmediately! Long distance job sucks when you don\'t have a car but the job pays good though! So sadly I will have to let 3 of my best myers mask go! I\'ll probably try to get it back later when my paychecks start rolling in! That\'s if I can! Sad

Email with your offers! at

I need money but these are not going for dirt cheap either!

Here are they are:

Closet Monster Prototype
(damn this one is really hard to let go! This is the best Closet Mosnter you will ever see!! The very first one!!!)

Nightmare Man 78 (NIGHTOWL\'s version!)

Whitey (#21 from Lee Romaire!)

[Image: cmop.jpg]

[Image: cmop2.jpg]

[Image: nmm1.jpg]

[Image: nmm2.jpg]

[Image: why1.jpg]

[Image: why2.jpg]

Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - JV666 - 12-11-2004


Oh man those are sweet!

Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - SPAZ - 12-11-2004

what do you want for the Whitey?

Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - ClosetMonsterP - 12-11-2004

email me your offer at or PM me!

Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - SPAZ - 12-11-2004

pm sent

Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - Lewis Tully - 12-11-2004

Bad times... You better be gettin\' somethin\' good with that cash...


Need Cash Bad! Super Myers Mask Sale! - gmyers - 12-11-2004

how much for nm78 i\'m interested!