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New "tales From The Crypt" Score! - Printable Version

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New "tales From The Crypt" Score! - 420Smiles - 11-14-2011

Picked this up Saturday in the Goodwill store. $3.99 and this baby was mine. I researched it a little online but there wasn\'t very many hits. It was made in 1996 by TrendMasters Inc. The only other "real" hit I got was for one being sold on Ebay. (That one was priced at $20 used)

I "electrocutes" the Crypt Keeper then he laughs afterward. The globes light up, he shakes and it sounds like crackling electricity.

Very Cool!!!!

[Image: IMG_1570.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1571.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1569.jpg]

and one without the flash on. Smile
[Image: IMG_1565.jpg]

New "tales From The Crypt" Score! - Michael_Myers H20 - 11-14-2011

Awesome new score I am a big fan of tales from the crypt.
Watched it all the time as a kid.


New "tales From The Crypt" Score! - 420Smiles - 11-14-2011

Thanks, Sean.
Also picked up a brown fedora to put on my Freddy bust (when it gets finished).