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Public Announcement Regarding My Business Please Read - Printable Version

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Public Announcement Regarding My Business Please Read - addison.morarre - 07-15-2012

Members of Michael-"whitey".net,, and everyone else in this community,

By this point, many of you know my name. Unfortunately, my name has come to carry some pretty nasty baggage, and I have no interest in running away from these problems. I would rather like to take some time to give an honest explanation for my actions. I am not going to try to justify anything, but I am hoping that after this juncture, I can begin to re-build a reputation and earn your trust.

Four years ago, I was given the golden opportunity to learn mask-making from a professional. Thanks to "whitey".net, there was an open door to a big (and growing) community of like-minded horror fans, and I was beyond lucky to be able to start selling my first mask, the original Tommy leatherface replica. Things quickly picked up, and when I graduated highschool in 2009 I made the Tommy 2.0 and business was great. I was making a lot of money and had no idea how to handle a business, despite thinking I knew it all.

Business was good and I continued taking orders, at any time, regardless of the current work load or other potential duties in life. I was selfishly taking money and carelessly taking time. I was 18, 19 years old, enjoying my age and losing sight of my business obligations. Before long I had taken far too long to ship things out and stories were spreading. There was a lot of back and forth, swells and falls in my reputation and my consequent sales.

It wasn\'t until 2011 that it really hit the fan when I sold a 1974 leatherface on the forum. I used the same pictures from my facebook and ebay auctions (which I\'d assumed most members had seen) and advertised "him" as being for sale. It was not my intention to mislead anyone into that particular copy being for sale (the photos were taken by the owner of the mask and given to me), and realized after the deal was done and I\'d sent a copy (which was not of poor quality at all) and the customer was surprised, that I\'d worded the ad too loosely, leaving plenty of room for the customer to believe he\'d be receiving the pictured mask.

To this day I have still not read all of the posts made about me following this incident, but I have been told about them. This time I was swiftly banned after I failed to reply to derek\'s emails (as I was avoiding the site) and a ban from ebay followed. I quickly realized what a devastating blow this was, and I had no one to blame but myself. I have now caused numerous people to feel scammed, and that was never what I set out to do. I got lazy, and can not apologize enough for it.

In the last few months I have been working non-stop to build a new name for myself. I want to be known as someone who provides all-around quality, not just in each mask but in service and communication as well. I don\'t expect to just be forgiven, but I want everyone to know that I have NEVER intended to rip ANYONE off. I collected before I started making masks, and I\'ve experienced being on the other end of dreadful service. I know how bad it is, and I know that I won\'t just be forgiven. I do hope that perhaps, in time, I will be. I have no excuses, I can only give you the truth. I\'ve been young, and I\'ve handled my business irresponsibly. I let other distractions get in the way time and time again, and it tore my business down entirely. I have had a serious shift, however.

In a big step in what I hope will be my return, I have made a new TCM remake mask, one that makes my past efforts look like trash. My goal has been to finally bring the ultimate replica, and I hope I have succeeded. I want to only produce the highest quality replicas from here on out. To ensure customer satisfaction, I will give everyone the option to only pay for a completed mask. They will be made to order, but I won\'t ask for payment until the day the mask is going out the door. I will be prompt with email response and guarantee a smooth and honest transaction. Honesty is the most important part of anything, especially a community like this.

I hope this letter makes it to everyone who deserves and needs to see it. If we have any unresolved issues, please email me. I want to fix my past and make a solid foundation for a healthy future. Hopefully I can be a member here again, and hopefully I\'ll be talking to you all soon.

From the bottom of my heart, I\'m sorry.

-Addison Morarre

Public Announcement Regarding My Business Please Read - IbDaToNeGuY - 07-15-2012

It\'s good that you are seeing first hand what you did wrong and admitting it . Most people who have done this on these boards or worse haven\'t done nearly anything this close to resolve their problems with customers . I don\'t have anything on order with you but I almost did when sometime back , you were selling a bunch of molds and I wanted one really bad and almost bought it but then started reading alot of nasty things about you about how untrustworthy you were and not responding to emails and taking forever to ship so that kind of scared me away from buisness . I do regret not buying it now but what\'s done is done . I really do hope to see you build some new bridges as i\'ve always liked your work . And maybe sometime down the road , I can finally pick up a mold from you if willing .


Public Announcement Regarding My Business Please Read - msharrow - 07-16-2012

Good for you Addison. I have no problem publicly backing you. You have always been good to me and I am fully aware that you have had trouble with your business lately. I will publicly back you and your come back. Please do the right thing and do not make a fool of me. I know you are a good person and a talented artist. Show us what you are capable of brother and your business will flurish I promise you that.


Public Announcement Regarding My Business Please Read - Chainsaw - 07-16-2012

Why did member \'sirbrad\' post on that you told him privately that you wanted 50% up front to purchase a wig and other supplies? This contradicts what you\'re saying here. He has since deleted his post... no idea why. Was your discussion before or after your turn back toward the light? I honestly hope you get your act together. I\'ve never purchased anything from you but have admired some of your work. Trust is a difficult thing to earn back once lost, but it can be done. Good luck man.

Public Announcement Regarding My Business Please Read - addison.morarre - 07-17-2012

(01-01-1970, 12:00 AM) link Wrote:Why did member \'sirbrad\' post on that you told him privately that you wanted 50% up front to purchase a wig and other supplies? This contradicts what you\'re saying here. He has since deleted his post... no idea why. Was your discussion before or after your turn back toward the light? I honestly hope you get your act together. I\'ve never purchased anything from you but have admired some of your work. Trust is a difficult thing to earn back once lost, but it can be done. Good luck man.
Thanks guys I appreciate the support. As for Brad, he recently bought a TCM 06 mask from me, everything went smoothly and he was happy. The other day he told me he wants the 74 Leatherface mask as well, said he had the money ready. I can not finish his mask until I have a new wig for it, and right now I am flat broke. Not trying to fish for pity, that\'s just the nature of things at the time. Business has not been great and I recently stocked up on camel hair but I am out of wigs for the 06 and 74 masks. I asked him if he wanted to pay 50$ up front to cover the cost of the wig, so that I could get his mask done as I was under the impression that he needed it quickly. He told me it wasn\'t actually a rush, and I said to pay the full amount when the mask was done. Not going back on my word at all, I simply thought he needed it fast and seeing as I simply can\'t afford to get the wig this week, I asked if he wanted to cover the cost of the hair up front. I guess he felt the need to post about it, but it was sorted out easily.

I promise not to let everyone down. I have been given an amazing second chance (and I have Mike to thank for being so awesome and helping me out). I am really excited to be back in the community again.

Thanks guys