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Dial Up Sucks - Printable Version

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Dial Up Sucks - Krazy Ken - 01-02-2005

Well i finally get to take pics of my small collection and now it takes way too long running on the crappiest dial up ever hows 26.4 kbps sound? Yeah i thought so. Then i try and email one or two pics to someone and it sits on the page for about 5 mins. then the screen goes white. Man have i said that dial up sucks yet? Also my comp is running like a p.o.s. :angry:

Dial Up Sucks - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005

*choke* 28.8kbs modem? I\'m so sorry. Sad

Dial Up Sucks - puckface - 01-02-2005

You had pics of the collection?

Darn Sad

Dial Up Sucks - Krazy Ken - 01-02-2005

i actually looked and its a 56k and i few weeks ago it was running at about 42 or something. Can anyone tell me why this is?

Dial Up Sucks - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005


Dial Up Sucks - Krazy Ken - 01-02-2005

i use ad-aware SE

Dial Up Sucks - EverythingJason - 01-02-2005

Mostly this is because there are maybe too many people in the place where you live hooked up to dial up. The more people use it the more you have to share bandwidth. With dial up you are really lucky if it does actually go up to the full 56k, I haven\'t seen that happen yet. Back in the olden days when I used to use it, I usually had a connection speed of 49K but it did drop down to about 25/26 sometimes.

Dial Up Sucks - Andy - 01-02-2005

Since I mad the switch to broadband I don\'t think I could ever go back to dial-up, the difference still amazes me today.

*kisses my 576k modem* Tongue

Dial Up Sucks - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005


that\'ll learn ya!

Dial Up Sucks - Andy - 01-02-2005

nowww myyy tongggg issss allllll nummmmm