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Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - Printable Version

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Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - SPAZ - 01-02-2005

before he\'s gone Sad Sad Sad
[Image: f6470b31.jpg]
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Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005

I don\'t know what it is about those pics, but I\'m falling in love. The weathering is awesome, the hair looks great. It\'s catching shadow beautifully, and I love the black around the inside of the eye cuts.

That is an awesome piece of NIGHTOWL history right there.


Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - SPAZ - 01-02-2005

hey thank my photo skills
I know pics dont do it justice but I think I\'m doing a damn fine jobon bringing some of the detail out Wink Wink Wink Wink

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005

hell yeah, I\'m weakening, lol

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005

I thought someone told me that mask was supposed to be like the H4 poster. But I\'m looking at it and it screams H1 to me. :blink:

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - VF31 - 01-02-2005

well the part 4 poster is the h1 mask, just detailed and shadowed up i h4 poster, h1 mask...all good

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - SPAZ - 01-02-2005

yeah what ^^^^ said

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005

ahhhh, ok. Big Grin that mask kinda reminds me of the telephone scene a little bit, the mask through the door of the backyard laundry room, and the ending creep up on Laurie.

Definetely a cool sculpture. I think this might have to be my first NIGHTOWL piece.

Scuse me while Spaz and I do some shady backroom dealing. Big Grin

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - SPAZ - 01-02-2005

"Hey get your hand off there" :o :o :o :o

Couple Pics Of Evilution I Took - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-02-2005

*.....and say, "what a lovely teaparty." ____" Hey! Shut that door!" *