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Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - Printable Version

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Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - Clint - 01-07-2005

Tom posted a Myers sketch he did in paint recently so i thought i would show yall this one i did not too long ago,, its a remake bubba. Hope yall like it, enjoy.
[Image: lfb.bmp]

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - Hauntmaster9 - 01-07-2005

Looks sweet!

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - Clint - 01-07-2005

Krap!! Thas wayyyy smaller than i thought it would be.

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - fright-rags - 01-07-2005

Very you have a bigger one?

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - gmyers - 01-07-2005

Looks awesome man! I love the color scheme.

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - The13thDreamShape - 01-07-2005

Thats awesome!

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - englundisgod - 01-08-2005

you forgot the mouth on the neck Wink

Bubba Mask Sketch In Paint - EverythingJason - 01-08-2005

You did that in Paint??? Awesome job man, awesome!!!