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Sold... - Printable Version

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Sold... - farid_krueger - 01-08-2005

...SOLD... Wink

Sold... - goaliehack - 01-09-2005

Here ya go. Wink
[Image: MM.jpg]

Sold... - farid_krueger - 01-09-2005

Thank you goaliehack, that\'s really nice of you man! Smile

Sold... - NightStalker - 01-09-2005

wow thats one of the best I\'ve ever seen!

Sold... - Prime Time - 01-09-2005

i wanted a blnk of that mask, but bob said he wont sell me one, cause ppl like his paintwork too much...gr8 sculpture....i still think mark is fred master...

Sold... - goaliehack - 01-09-2005

Quote:...i still think mark is fred master...
How is that relevant to the post? Geeze, do ya just use that thing on your shoulders for mask display? Rolleyes

Sold... - Prime Time - 01-09-2005

i was just adding, my whole post wasnt bout that...and for u info yes thats all its used for lol

Sold... - puckface - 01-09-2005

Quote:i wanted a blnk of that mask, but bob said he wont sell me one, cause ppl like his paintwork too much...gr8 sculpture....i still think mark is fred master...
Im very sorry for throwing this thread off track, by all means, this can be deleted, but why wouldnt he sell you a blank?

Sold... - SlasherHouse - 01-27-2005

Since your in the mood for trading, how bout a couple Fred etchings for the mask? Wink

Sold... - Prime Time - 01-28-2005

HOWABOUT A VS Smile almost like the one i bought from u lol