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2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - Printable Version

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2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - Mask Murderers - 01-20-2005

These are the first 2 masks I have made, they are test paints & were flawed pulls, not super bad but enough that I cannot sell them at full price. The grey one has a rough seam & a few tiny, tiny holes, really not noticable & the flesh one, I spent alot more time painting even though it has a few minor holes & the seam around the ears is not great. I wanted to mention as many problems as I see & you can look at the pics to get an idea. My normal selling price when these are available is going to be $150.00 I am asking.
Flesh $90.00 shipped
Grey $55.00 shipped ( no hair has been added but you can easily add hair )

If interested email or PM me.

Thanks guys,
[Image: jzomgrey.jpg]
[Image: jzom1.jpg]

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - antboy - 01-20-2005

if you still have that grey in a couple weeks consider it mine

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - Homicidal#9 - 01-20-2005

what is the thickness, latex wise, on the grey one, because i am definitely interested....



2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - Mask Murderers - 01-20-2005

The mask is a good thickness, about average not thin at all & for the flesh one it is a pretty thick casting thicker then the grey one.

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - puckface - 01-20-2005

Im interested in the grey I can send payment wihtin a few days, just gotta get a money order

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - ERASERHEAD - 01-20-2005

not insulting the face on the mask at all, but i can see making good hoods outta those, im more in the market for hoods now than i am fll mask right now, looks really cool! i love the flesh one Rolleyes

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - puckface - 01-20-2005

Come on guys, I think it looks great Smile

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - anightmareonhalloween - 01-20-2005

Flawed? those mask look awesome.... if they look that good with errors i couldnt imagine what they would look like without!

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - Mask Murderers - 01-21-2005

Grey version mask sold

2 Masks For Sale, Flawed Update With A Hock - puckface - 01-21-2005

YAY!!! Smile