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Phantasm Sphere - Printable Version

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Phantasm Sphere - JekyllMd - 01-23-2005

Im looking for the Phantasm sphere but what I\'ve come across was to much to spend right now. Anyone what to sell there\'s. Or, does anyone know of a web page to get one.

Phantasm Sphere - mrmorningside - 01-23-2005

what are you looking to spend on one

Phantasm Sphere - Mutilated - 01-23-2005

I know where to get some for $30.

Phantasm Sphere - JekyllMd - 01-23-2005

Im not sure what Im looking to spend. But I didn\'t come across someone that was selling a metal one for 75.00 but the guy had already sold it. Thanks everyone for letting me know where I can get one.

Phantasm Sphere - Mutilated - 01-23-2005

The site I showed those were made of metal.

Phantasm Sphere - JekyllMd - 01-23-2005

Project Mayhem Films not to be picky but I would like to have one without the screw bit on it. Have any other ideas?????

Phantasm Sphere - Mutilated - 01-23-2005

Dude, look.


The gold one has NO screw just the 3 blades.

Phantasm Sphere - JekyllMd - 01-23-2005

Project Mayhem Films doesnt\' the first movie have only two hooks on it instead of the 3. I can\'t remember. Anyway thanks for the info I think I\'ll pick one up.

Phantasm Sphere - JekyllMd - 01-23-2005

See here\'s a link to one I found but just can\'t afford this.


Phantasm Sphere - Mutilated - 01-23-2005

Those are nice BUT I wouldn\'t pay that much for them.