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Manhattan Meltdown - Printable Version

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Manhattan Meltdown - RavenMedia - 02-01-2005

hey gang, heres the meltdown finished up and ready for any orders...

price will be:

USD $125 shipped

CAD $155 shipped

UK £64 Posted

[Image: man-meltodown-finished1-001.jpg]

[Image: man-meltodown-finished1-004.jpg]

[Image: man-meltodown-finished1-003.jpg]

[Image: man-meltodown-finished1-002.jpg]

[Image: man-meltodown-finished1-005.jpg]

if anyone is interested please pm me

thanks all


Manhattan Meltdown - SPAZ - 02-01-2005

wow man awesome
any pics withs a Hockey Mask on it???

Manhattan Meltdown - Cory - 02-01-2005

dude that\'s super accurate, you\'re getting awesome at this mask thing...I\'m gona be ordering some stuff from you as soon as I get out of the hole Smile


Manhattan Meltdown - SlasherHouse - 02-01-2005

Awesome mask bro!

Manhattan Meltdown - WilliamAbuJannah - 02-01-2005

looks cool man.

Manhattan Meltdown - noxious_infestation - 02-01-2005

Very Nice man! very nice!

Manhattan Meltdown - EverythingJason - 02-02-2005

Oooooooooooooooooh, drool, drool. This is a beauty man!!! I guess I have to make a second F8 display now hey? Awesome and you have a pm!

Manhattan Meltdown - TheChosenOne - 02-03-2005

Awesome! I need one. Big Grin

Manhattan Meltdown - EverythingJason - 02-06-2005

Hey RavenMedia, hit me up with a pm for the Manhattan Meltdown! I want one bad!

Manhattan Meltdown - deadhomie - 02-07-2005

Great job man. That\'s one of the better Part 8\'s around. Also, I like what you did with the pics.