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Why Do People? - Krazy Ken - 02-01-2005

Look at us like we are weird for what we do? I mean yesterday i had to go to the post office to ship a couple masks and ive got these old people just staring at me and what i have, like im nuts and im gonna kill everyone in their lol. A woman was at the counter and turned around and just stared at the Hockey Mask. Then turned back around real quick. Is it because they dont understand or are afraid or are they envious (spelling?) of what i have lol cuz this isnt the 1st time. I guess it just pisses me off cuz i dont go in there staring at peoples sh!t while they box it up.

Why Do People? - englundisgod - 02-01-2005

hey have you ever tried to ship a machete at your local post office, or a chainsaw :0 i think there envious of me when alotta old people look at me funny now i know theyre just jealous Wink

Why Do People? - Tom - 02-01-2005

Jealous,all jealous.

Yeah right hold that thought while your being dragged away by security. :lol:

Why Do People? - englundisgod - 02-01-2005

oh no Sad im gonna get hauled away by a guy with a whistle and a flash-light when i gotta a machete or a chainsaw in a post office Rolleyes

Why Do People? - Krazy Ken - 02-01-2005

i guess i really dont give a crap just want to know why everytime i go in there if i dont hae something already boxed up they stare at me believe it or not my mom kinda likes them. My dad thinks im morbid and twisted lol i guess he thinks im still acting like a kid even though im bout to turn 19.

Why Do People? - puckface - 02-01-2005

I went out with this chick that told all her friends (through the womens network) that I was a psycho becuase of what I liked. It hurt, but then I realized I was better off without a bitch like that, so I just said fu(k it...

Why Do People? - gmyers - 02-01-2005

Quote:I went out with this chick that told all her friends (through the womens network) that I was a psycho becuase of what I liked. It hurt, but then I realized I was better off without a bitch like that, so I just said fu(k it...
Yeah same here bro. It seems like every girl that i\'ve went out with, can\'t really appreciate me for who I am...that just look at my strange because i\'m like in love with horror.

Why Do People? - kirk myers - 02-01-2005

Same here, my mom will show her friends my room, for some ungodly known reason. They see my masks and look at me different, like I want to kill someone. I dont want to kill someone, scare of course, but I just want to have a kickass looking mask(s).

Why Do People? - Prime Time - 02-01-2005

i guess im the only lucky one LOL....i have everyone look at me weird, mask or not in hand lol. bein 6\'2 w/ black/brown hair w/ red prolly wut their lookin at....all my gf\'s (not relational....just friends that are girls) love my masks...they just wont stay in my room in the dark w/o me lol...i now have no gf, cause i spend money on horror than takin her out to the movies....oh well, i just want some chick whos hott, loves horror, dyes her hair weird colors, and actually likes me for me...oh well, im still lookin lol..

Why Do People? - Hauntmaster9 - 02-02-2005

Well when you think about it, it is a very weird hobby.