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Congrats To Warlock! - Printable Version

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Congrats To Warlock! - noxious_infestation - 02-02-2005

Hey Chad ,

Congrats man for winning the Tournament !!! Wish i could have seen the final Sad
But i heard you gave Mike a good as kickin!! :lol:

Unfortunate Mike but im sure you did your best!

Hope you\'s had fun playing this Tournament and i hope to organise another one soon!

Hopefully with alot more people and have a prize.
So im gonna get down to that now!

Andy Smile

Congrats To Warlock! - VF31 - 02-02-2005

excellent..congrats chad,

cant wait for the next tourny Smile

Congrats To Warlock! - WarLocK - 02-02-2005

Thanks guys! I\'ve been playing yahoo pool for about 7 years now on and off so I tend to win more than I lose... lol. Anyway, I had a great time and a special thanks to you Andy for making the tournament happen. We should have a 32 player bracket style game next time and add a prize for the Winner! I\'m sure we\'d fill the spots fast. Thanks again for everything!

Congrats To Warlock! - noxious_infestation - 02-02-2005

Quote:We should have a 32 player bracket style game next time and add a prize for the Winner!  I\'m sure we\'d fill the spots fast.  Thanks again for everything!
Just my thoughts exactly! Smile
let me see what i can do Wink