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New Masks In! - Printable Version

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New Masks In! - gmyers - 02-02-2005

Well guys if you didn\'t know I\'m good friends with the owner of He would just like to let you know that he would love for you guys to check out his site and some new masks just came in! Smile
They are mainly rubies mask, but they are pretty cool and nicely priced! Check it out thanks! Smile

New Masks In! - Mutilated - 02-02-2005

That quilt is as good as mine.

New Masks In! - antboy - 02-02-2005

I have teh ripped off mask from tehre on teh way at the moment

New Masks In! - gmyers - 02-02-2005

Did you order it from there or...?

New Masks In! - Mutilated - 02-02-2005

Yes he did and he ordered me the Fangoria poster magazine and the stitches mask and the freddy face applience.Big Grin

New Masks In! - antboy - 02-02-2005

Quote:Yes he did and he ordered me the Fangoria poster magazine and the stitches mask and the freddy face applience.Big Grin
wait a sec, i didnt order stiches and freddy appliance yet, <_< :unsure: :blink: :ph34r:

New Masks In! - gmyers - 02-02-2005

Quote:Yes he did and he ordered me the Fangoria poster magazine and the stitches mask and the freddy face applience.Big Grin
Big Grin haha you wish! i just ordered the freddy appliances though Smile

New Masks In! - Mutilated - 02-02-2005

Quote:wait a sec, i didnt order stiches and freddy appliance yet,  <_<  :unsure:  :blink:  :ph34r:
Key word YET you\'ll order them soon.