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Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - Printable Version

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Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - travsall - 02-04-2005

Got a great surprise today, my F3 from Dean came in! I wasn\'t expecting it for another week or so, couldn\'t even brace myself. This mask is just sick, it is so damn good and accurate it\'s just wrong. The detailing is staggeringI was absolutly blown away, just sat and stared for a good while, felt alomst a buzz LOL!! Only had that with maybe 3 or 4 masks including this one. I could prattle on about how stunning Deans work is, but you all know, and I know most of you have stoped reading already to see the pics. So I\'ll end by saying this mask has far surpassed every hope I had for it, Dean is amazing.

[Image: f3h1.jpg]
[Image: f3h2.jpg]
[Image: f3h3.jpg]
[Image: f3h4.jpg]
[Image: f3h5.jpg]
[Image: f3h6.jpg]
[Image: f3h7.jpg]

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - Pugsly - 02-04-2005

Awesome score Travis! great work Dean, thats a awesome part 3.

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - travsall - 02-04-2005

And costume pics.
[Image: f31.jpg]
[Image: f32.jpg]
[Image: f33.jpg]
[Image: f34.jpg]
[Image: f35.jpg]
[Image: f36.jpg]
[Image: f37.jpg]
[Image: f38.jpg]
[Image: f39.jpg]

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - kirk myers - 02-04-2005

I just shat myself, amazing. Where did you get the undermask, or did it come with it. Wink anyway.....AMAZING :o

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - Mick7 - 02-04-2005

:o :o :o *falls out of chair...gets back up* WICKED! dude totally congrats on that! that has to be one of the Best lookin part 3 hockey masks I have seen! just amazing lookin, damn awesome work dean, and Trav, wicked costume shots dude! *whipes blood from head* god what did I land on when I fell :lol:

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - Bloodyaxe - 02-04-2005

That is fan-fricken-tastic, Trav!! Dean did an absolute beautiful and accurate job on it. That hockey ranks right up there with the best. Dean keeps putting out beauts like this and he\'s going to put that other guy out of bussiness and I\'m sure you didn\'t wait for a year or two either Wink

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - VF31 - 02-04-2005

excellent, the work dean did and the pics....excellent

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - WilliamAbuJannah - 02-04-2005

ho lee crap. man that weathering is smooth like a black french pimp. damn that\'s nice. And the costume shot at the bottom of the stairs was tight too, diggin the shadows.

sad to see walls going up in the \'famous\' basement though. Sad

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - HalloweeN - 02-04-2005

Lovely pics Travis!!!! Your part 3 costume looks great!!!!
Jon Wink

Got My Part 3 Hockey Mask Today! - dougie - 02-04-2005

I got one word for that hockey mask Travis AMAZING! Wink