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Cuddles The Clown - Printable Version

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Cuddles The Clown - Creaturedesign - 03-06-2005

Going to charge $ 125.00 for this guy. More then expected but the wigs were a lot more then I had hoped

[Image: CuDDleS5.jpg]

[Image: DSC07832.jpg]

[Image: DSC07829.jpg]

[Image: DSC07830.jpg]

[Image: DSC07828.jpg]

Cuddles The Clown - KingViper - 03-06-2005

How much? $$$ Talks Smile

Cuddles The Clown - Creaturedesign - 03-06-2005

This guy should be going for around $ 85.00. I have to see how much the wigs will set me back. Going to see how he looks with one of those multi colored clown wigs.



Cuddles The Clown - gmyers - 03-06-2005

I\'m interested, could I order one without a wig?

Cuddles The Clown - tcm - 03-06-2005

Yeah thats definately a great mask,much like each one you produce. I love the bone, and the attention to detail is amazing,
great work Smile

Cuddles The Clown - FullMoonFever - 03-07-2005

Oh my gosh. That is amazing! I know a bunch of people who\'d love to glom onto a piece like that!

Cuddles The Clown - Krazy Ken - 03-07-2005

OMG that is a badass clown. I absolutely love it!

Cuddles The Clown - Indica x - 03-07-2005

how much for the foam filled display version???

That thing is awesome the wig will really set it off, but how about doing a single color wig like orange, red, or blue I just think the busyness of the rainbow wig might detrect from the awesome sculpture and paint work, but then again you\'re the artist I\'m just a fan, so I\'m sure whatever decision you make will be the right one

Cuddles The Clown - Creaturedesign - 03-07-2005

Thanks for the great feedback. Hope you like the color I chose!!!

As for the foam collector piece. It will be $ 300.00 different paint scheme VERY detailed and patchy hair insted of the full wig


Cuddles The Clown - The13thDreamShape - 03-07-2005

Thats sooo... AWESOME!!!!