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Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - Printable Version

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Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - SPAZ - 03-07-2005

I did a little work on my Hack(for everyone that knows me you knew it was comming)
I added a little grey in the face and some hair
[Image: c1799acd.jpg]
[Image: 25895c66.jpg]
[Image: 4f52d549.jpg]
[Image: 06ad3329.jpg]
[Image: da192b11.jpg]
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[Image: 20fede79.jpg]

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - SPAZ - 03-07-2005

and he even looks good with my crappy Hockey Mask
[Image: 6d254ffd.jpg]
[Image: 23ae43bd.jpg]
wow look at these two sexy bitches
[Image: e4992b75.jpg]
[Image: 86f8f25e.jpg]
[Image: 722ec7e3.jpg]
[Image: 2a3ff068.jpg]
[Image: 6700396c.jpg]

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - SPAZ - 03-07-2005

and once again he looks good with my crappy Hockey Mask also
[Image: e7b4b591.jpg]
o and I added a shirt on my pt5
[Image: 28bd2e7f.jpg]

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - JV13 - 03-07-2005

Sweetness. Lots of "ooze" on the hack if I say so myself. Be happy you have that "crappy Hockey Mask."

I\'m stuck with the plastic make-overs lol Wink

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - SPAZ - 03-07-2005

hey I only call them crappy cuz there ones I made
so there really crappy? Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - JV13 - 03-07-2005

Well they have the correct shape. They are pretty thick and painted well. I say they kick major ash.

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - Mutilated - 03-07-2005

I like it all except the just looks like a wad of glued on hair not like the natural look it should have.

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - WilliamAbuJannah - 03-07-2005

looks cool man. Can I assume you\'re back to working on Jason stuff and I can expect a joyous box of hockey masks soon?

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - SPAZ - 03-07-2005

well I\'m not a hair master
and I used latex to add it so it will just peel off
if I ever want to punch it

Really Cool Pics Of My Hack And Diehard - VF31 - 03-07-2005

yea since theres not much of a demand for the hair spaz may as well punch it....would realy finish that piece of