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I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - mike - 03-15-2005

OK im not gonan say anynames here because i dont want a fight to break out..I jsut wanna better understand things thats it..OK why is it i get IMs and emails of people wanting to be my friend and saying how great my hockey masks are,that no one else compares and jsut plain putting other makers down, and how certain other guys masks suk and this and that..But get on different forums and talk about how good they are and act like they never said stuff...There is too much ass kissign and backstabbing in this game anymore..I jsut wish people would be honest and not lie in order to make themselves look cool or keep from getting ragged..\

Dont say u like my stuff jsut becasue someone does this bandwagon stuff is not cool..I am glad people like my stuff and i dotn care if they like others but dont IM me liek were cool then talk about me behind my back cause it gets back to me..Im jsut asking for everyone to be honest and quite this talking behind the back smile to my face type of stuff..
Has anyone esle went threw this?? and why do u guys think it happens..I of course have my own assumptions but i was just looking to see where others stand.Im sure the people im talking bout will know who they are and thats fine cause i dotn want everyone to know names casue i dotn wanna bring crap on anyone i jsut want opinions..Oh you guys may wanna spell check for ones who need to :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - RCuomo 2.0 - 03-15-2005

I know what you mean Mike... Ive seen that so many times... Ive read on certain msg boards other then NIGHTOWL how some users think a mask is kick a$$... then they do a post on here bashing the mask etc... its pretty hurting... personally if I dont like a mask... I dont post anything... why lie? Of course I say to myself I dont like that mask.. it sucks... but Im not gonna be a wanker and post OH ITS AWESOME! then go to another board and say its garbage... Mike I think youre one of maybe 3-4 mask makers that Ive actually posted my thoughts of a mask made by you... and you know I like em!!!!! Cant wait for my part 6!
Cheers mate

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Ben_Forsaken - 03-15-2005

Quote:personally if I dont like a mask... I dont post anything... why lie?


And you know how I feel about your hockey masks Mike. :wink:

Travis, Mike, Dean, and imo Mega, make the best hockey masks right now. *imo* <---covers a$$

and BC is fast rising.

If you actually want to get them reasonably quick.

I remember the first time I saw one of Mikes hockey masks,........I said the nose looked too big. I got slammed. I got tons of PM\'s calling me a$$hole and saying I didn\'t know what I was talking about and that you can\'t judge by a pic.

Well, at least I gave my honest opinion at the time. Maybe it was just that one Hockey Mask? I\'ve seen alot more pics in the past year or two. And you\'re consistent Mike.

Consistently good.

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - null1 - 03-15-2005

Well, if Bill likes \'em then so do I!

But if he says he doesnt like them then I dont either...

Unless someone else says that they like \'em, then I\'ll like them again too...

But only on this board......

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Ben_Forsaken - 03-15-2005

you crack me up Mark. I love sarcastic wittiness. I was dying when I read that, "yeah me too" the other day when the guy said he wasn\'t a big Fred fan.

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - null1 - 03-15-2005

That was like my best one liner and it was wiped out :lol:

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Ben_Forsaken - 03-15-2005

lol, it WAS good man. Had me rolling, I was blindsided, totally didn\'t see it coming.

I\'m just glad I didn\'t have a mouthful of soda or something.

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Mutilated - 03-15-2005

It happens all the time, it\'s called ass kissing.Someone ass kisses the maker of a mask hoping to get a discount on it and become best friends so they can say "Hey, I know this guy he makes hockey masks he\'s gonna hook me up" That\'s why people do it.Now, not everyone is like that but mostly those little 12, 13 year olds who got a wiff of their first real hockey mask since they took a step above the 8 holes.

(No offense to anyone who is 12 or 13 here)

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - RCuomo 2.0 - 03-15-2005

Its not just limited to the 12-13 y/o\'s... I know a couple guys in the mask world in their 20\'s that do it too... my fiance has even read some of the a$$ kissing posts and thinks its harsh lame Big Grin


I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Mutilated - 03-15-2005

Very true.Lol.