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An Observation On Bubba - Ben_Forsaken - 03-16-2005

Not being a huge TCM fan, I was looking forward to doing these 2 masks today. I had lofty goals of having different kinds of skin, A.American, Chinese, Hispanic, and White.

But once I broke out the compressor and started mixing colors, it dawned on me. Bubbas a redneck good ol\' boy, I really don\'t think he\'d wear skin from another race, lol.

Maybe it\'s just me, and the guys who know me well know that I couldn\'t be farther from rascist if I tried. But I just had this image in my head of Bubbas relatives going, "Get dat koon skin off\'a yerr face, bo-ay!!!"

So I figured he\'d probably only wear white skin.

*hopefully noone takes offense to that comment, all my kids are mixed, so I\'m far from a rascist*

anyway, just an observation. Never really thought about Bubba being a discriminating skin wearer, lol. But I imagine deep in the heart of Texas, they probably don\'t get too many Chinese or Black people.

An Observation On Bubba - VF31 - 03-16-2005

ha, totally

An Observation On Bubba - Mutilated - 03-16-2005

*speaks into a little radio*

Attention LF fans he\'s on to us move out.

An Observation On Bubba - corblimey79 - 03-16-2005

LOL.good offense and if anyone does they are crazy but your folk only i bet Wink


Maybe the odd tan here and there Big Grin

An Observation On Bubba - The13thDreamShape - 03-16-2005


An Observation On Bubba - Ben_Forsaken - 03-16-2005

Don\'t worry Willie, yer skin is safe.

An Observation On Bubba - Prime Time - 03-16-2005

we love will and his rican skin lol....we\'ll kick LF @$$ if he wanted to skin u

An Observation On Bubba - Ben_Forsaken - 03-16-2005

idk, Willie eats some good food. He might be tasty, lol.

Seasoned Meat. Big Grin

An Observation On Bubba - travsall - 03-16-2005

Ya know, I thought about the same thing a few times and came to the same conclusion. He is a psychotic chainsaw weilding cannibal because of his brothers, if they were normal, contributing members of society, he would be too. And, being deep south good ole boys, and given their mindset, motivation, and intelegence, VERY VERY good chance they\'re not too keen on other races. So yeah, if Bubba walked in wearing a mask of a different color they would definitely be all over him. And with his supposed condition (Down\'s makes the most sence) all he wants to do is impress, and gain the respect and adjulation of his brothers, so he sure as hell wouldn\'t be caught dead wearing another races skin.

An Observation On Bubba - Ben_Forsaken - 03-16-2005

yup, that\'s what I figured too. Shame though, the mask would look cooler (imo) with some different skin types on it. I thought about making one section really rotted looking, but I don\'t think he\'d wear really rotted meat on his face either. Guess that\'s why he\'s good at sewing, he\'s gotta always be adding new pieces. I did try and seperate some of the skin tones on the masks I did today, but really only one section (*the ear) seems to stand out.