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Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - RCuomo 2.0 - 03-18-2005

I dont know what the deal is with me anymore... I think Im starting to loose interest in mask collecting and am serious thinking of just getting a few more masks and stopping all together???!?!?!?!? Sad What\'s going on???? Anyone else felt like this before? I dont know maybe Im starting to get priorities now where a new home, new car, potential baby and a marriage are coming first.... am I growing out of masks???!?!?!! Sad Someone save me Big Grin

No but seriously.... I love horror movies still... but Im loosing interest in mask collecting... What\'s the deal?


Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - myers-san - 03-18-2005

Well i think it is because of higher priorities that we feel this way sometimes, but then when we see something really cool come around we get back into it again...that is why i don\'t understand it when people are selling there masks only to want them back before halloween??keep them stored away and when the time comes that collecting is an issue again? you can open those boxes and eureka!!!!!!!!!!!!you have some dang cool stuff.

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - Ben_Forsaken - 03-18-2005

I think it comes and goes in phases and waves. Especially when I\'m really depressed or stressed out over family stuff. There\'s time I\'ve walked into the workshop and thought, "why am I making this stuff? why am I wasting time and money collecting this stuff?" or even worse, times I look at the masks and just hate em and think they\'re stupid. But it passes. I think you just get a little burnt out sometimes. They\'re days I never want to look at another razorglove again. Then there\'s times I love em like I never saw one before. Especially if you just got a house/wife/baby, you\'re spending more time thinking of other things and start to wonder if mask/replica collecting isn\'t childish or dumb, because you feel like you\'re growing up more.

It\'ll pass. A hobby you love will always be a hobby you love. Some days you just feel it more then others. I\'m sure if you woke up tomorrow morning and saw a N/O box w/ a Psycho inside it, you\'d love masks all over again.

It\'s really funny you posted this, Trav and I were just talking not too long ago about the same topic.

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - Bloodyaxe - 03-18-2005

This hobby definatly has its highs and lows!! I\'ve thought about getting rid of everything I have a time or two and calling it quits. The long waiting periods, the fighting, the annoying people, the stupid comments, not having money, board is slow, trading is slow. These are all factors and they get to you after awhile but like they said in the previous 2 post, it passes only too come back again in a few months.. Its just a big circle in the mask collecting world we live in

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - gmyers - 03-18-2005

Paul basically sumed it up for me. Sometimes I feel like just selling them all to get more money. It\'s horrible when money is low, that\'s the main downfall for mask collectors. I would never think of selling my other horror merchandise, but sometimes, I just wake up some days and wish I had more money. So i think of selling my masks, of course I never do it. Big Grin

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - GBeninati - 03-18-2005

here\'s something funny
I used to feel kind of funny when boxes kept coming in the mail and I would think people would be wondering why I spend so much money on the stuff.
SO I told my gf that Justin sends me free stuff as long as I take some nice digital pictures of the stuff and show lots of people and moderate his board....HAHAHAHHA it\'s so funny because when I am on the computer all the time or taking pictures and figuring new ways to display my stuff I just say, \"DO YOU THINK JUSTIN SENT THIS SHIT TO ME FOR NO REASON AT ALL?!!?!??\" HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - GBeninati - 03-18-2005

ok my post above had nothing to do with what steve said, but every mask I have sold in the past few years I wish I had it back, in my case keeping them would mean having to live with my parents ... don\'t resort to selling ALL your stuff, just keep it, store it properly if you don\'t want it out on display, or sell one or two of your least favorite items. the remainder of my masks are on a shelf in my storage room stuffed with polyfil, on coke bottles in a temp and humidity controlled room, and covered in clear plastic bags for my viewing pleasure. THEY LIVE!!!!!!!

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - The13thDreamShape - 03-18-2005

I\'ve been feeling the same way lately Rcuomo.

Someone Help!

Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - RCuomo 2.0 - 03-18-2005

Sad I woke up this morning feeling the same way... I hope its just a phase and I dont go as far as selling everything Sad Ill give it some time and hope it passes... I love horror movies (like I said) but Im looking at my masks and thinking do I need to keep collecting? Sad


Guys... Need Some Help/advice... - HalloweeN - 03-18-2005

I hope you get to feeling better man! I have also thought about selling all of my horror related stuff because of my girlfriend...she hates it with a passion but, I just cant do it. I love that feeling you get when a box arrives at your doorstep and you just know its another work of art waiting to be displayed. I hardly even think of them being masks...they are more a work of art when I think about it. I hope you guys get over your problems.