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Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - Printable Version

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Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - Bloodyaxe - 03-25-2005

I\'m looking for some pics of ole Robert. Preferably without any facial hair but I\'ll take anything high quality. Please post them here or send them to my email, Thanks in advance!!!

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - null1 - 03-25-2005

Sure Paul, here you go

[Image: rob1.jpg]
[Image: rob3.jpg]


Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - SPAZ - 03-25-2005

o man I got really good ones of him from last year but he has the face hair

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - SPAZ - 03-25-2005

here just incase

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - gmyers - 03-25-2005

[Image: freddydgpre.jpg]
[Image: venice6.jpg]

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - puckface - 03-25-2005

[Image: renglund.jpg]
[Image: image2.jpg]
[Image: 40-29065-sm.jpg]
[Image: 1428_a_normal.jpg]
[Image: renglund_150x207.jpg]
[Image: 0.jpg]
[Image: robert_englund.jpg]

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - null1 - 03-25-2005

...... *if* you have someone sculpture this guy or if any of you attempt it.... Be careful!
These are some of the same pictures I went by and, well..... Robert looks like a big headed cartoon character with big ears, droopy eye lids, sunk in lips and a long nose and forehead.... Just saying, use caution. Good luck

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - Bloodyaxe - 03-25-2005

These pics will come in real handy!!! thanks guys!!! Mark I\'ll hit you up later with the details

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - CreepingDead - 03-25-2005

Here\'s one for ya -

[Image: Dsc00054.jpg]

Me and Robert Englund at his birthday party in 2003. I got to sing happy birthday to Freddy. Hahahaha

Any Robert Englund Pics Out There? - Ben_Forsaken - 03-25-2005

thanks goodness you didn\'t jump out the cake in a bikini!

.......or did you ? ! ? ! :o