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Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - jseth - 04-11-2005

Hey all,

I\'ve just received a Roy mask in the mail from DMC (David Miller, as you know, created the mask for A New Beginning). I\'m not sure how to feel about the paint job; it\'t not awful (or is it?), but I don\'t think it\'s good either. At least that\'s how I feel. Tell me what you think, as it\'s going to determine how I move forward with things:

[Image: roy.jpg] [Image: roy2.jpg]
[Image: roy3.jpg] [Image: roy4.jpg]
[Image: roy5.jpg] [Image: roy6.jpg]
[Image: roy7.jpg]

What should I do? :unsure:

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - killnskin - 04-11-2005

it could have definatly been done better. i dont know if its bad, but not great. id much rather have a part 5 Hockey Mask from mike.

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - goaliehack - 04-11-2005

Shitty paint for sure. Ask for a repaint, they should follow through. PS, what a good Roy looks like. Mask owned by creepingdead.

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 04-11-2005

Who did that one, Goailehack?

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - jonl - 04-11-2005

DMC did it, they have been slacking it looks like to me, I think the shape and all look kinda off IMO

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - puckface - 04-11-2005

Yea, Im not trying to bash or anything, but you asked weather or not it looked good, and imo, it doesnt meet DMC standards...

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - jseth - 04-11-2005

Quote:Yea, Im not trying to bash or anything, but you asked weather or not it looked good, and imo, it doesnt meet DMC standards...

No, I definitely agree. What exactly should I say when I e-mail them? I want to make headway, not offend them. I\'d really like a good paint job.

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - Ol#39; Chop Top - 04-11-2005

I\'ve never ordered anything from DMC, for that reason only. It\'s really strange how some come out looking super amazing(goaliehacks for ex) and then others don\'t. It\'s a weird operation their running down there. :blink:

I\'d give my left nut for a DMC Roy with a good paint job though.

Anyone interested in a trade??? Big Grin

jseth-I really don\'t know how you\'d go abouts asking a question like that, without offending anyone. I\'m sure theres a way. I\'m just not an expert in that field. I\'d ask Mike to re-paint it. He\'s got some mad skills man.

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - VF31 - 04-11-2005

send it to mike

or tell dmc ur not happy...

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - jseth - 04-11-2005

ADDITIONAL NOTE: goaliehack, were the rivets on your mask weathered at all?